The comment from some surprised Grade Three students of late has been “Is that the time already? Well, that went quick.” So, time flies when you are having fun or engaged with your learning!

In Science this term, we have studied the location and movements of the sun, earth and the moon. We are exploring how sunlight creates shadows and the changes our shadows experience given the different times of the day or the variations in the seasons.

Each day in the classroom reading takes place and this positive routine is encouraged as much as possible for home, that is, every night or morning, especially during the holidays. The more students read, the better they will be able to understand the language concepts.

Maths is one of our favourite subjects and Measurement is our current focus. Using units of measurement like litres, millimetres and kilograms, we’ve estimated the weight of objects and arranged these from the smallest to the heaviest. As you shop with your child, point out the measurements marked on the different packages, in this way, they learn to understand exactly what 500grams looks like etc.

Many of the students have just returned from the Grade 3 and 4, two-day camp and having learnt so much about Bendigo. The Grade Threes have recommended that the same camp should be offered again next year as it was a lot of fun. See camp photos in Camp Grades 3 and 4 folder.

As teachers, we look for opportunities to praise positive actions or decisions that students make. Support and encouragement are used to boost your child’s self-esteem. In giving information, we provide breaks so they can learn in small chunks of time. These tips maybe of help to try for yourself when working with your child.

For the term break, have a great time with your family and enjoy the true meaning of holidays.

Mrs. Annette Moran
Year 3 Teacher